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Yoni Steam Herbs


The ancient practice of Vaginal Steaming has been used by many cultures to help with chronic menstrual disorders and infertility. Yoni steaming is a practice of sitting over a pot of steaming medicinal herbs. The heat from the steam helps to increase circulation and brings fresh oxygenated blood to the tissues. The vapor from the steaming herbs also carries volatile oils that promote cleansing of the womb space and help to strengthen and tone the tissues.

It can ease & improve a variety of conditions, including but not limited to the following:


Painful menstrual cramps

Irregular menstruation - heavy, prolonged, clots

Fibroids, Cysts, Endometriosis & Adenomyosis

Uterine weakness, Uterine prolapse

Infections, bacteria imbalances, yeast/fungal growths, odors

Sores, wounds, blisters

Postpartum discomfort

Pre-menstrual symptoms, Menopausal symptoms


Safflower, Alfalfa, Motherwort, Aloe, Ginger, Rose, Lavender

120g (can get up to 8 steams)